Stock Price Info

You can see the information on the Paradise Co. stock price.


  • Net Change
  • 90
  • Exchange Volume
  • 317,972
  • Current Price
  • 12,060
  • High Price
  • 12,090
  • Low Price
  • 11,930
  • Last Closing Price
  • 12,060
UpperLimit Price 15,670 Lower Limit Price 8,450
PER 16.51 TradingVolume 3,811,981,750
52 WeekHigh 18,550 52 WeekLow 11,930
No. of ListedStocks 91,771,623 Par Value 500
Time Traded Price Net Change Offer Price Bid Price Traded Volume
15:30:00 11,970 90 11,970 11,960 7,666
15:20:00 11,970 90 11,970 11,960 7
15:19:40 11,970 90 11,980 11,970 5
15:19:20 11,970 90 11,970 11,960 158
15:18:40 11,960 100 11,970 11,960 24
15:18:20 11,960 100 11,970 11,960 2,651
15:17:40 11,970 90 11,980 11,970 16
15:17:20 11,970 90 11,980 11,970 207
15:16:50 11,980 80 11,980 11,970 540
15:16:20 11,970 90 11,980 11,970 16
Date Closing Price Net Change Current Price Exchange Volume High Price Low Price Trading Volume
24/07/26 11,970 90 0.74 12,060 12,090 11,930 317,872
24/07/25 12,060 10 0.08 11,940 12,120 11,930 287,947
24/07/24 12,050 100 0.82 12,140 12,170 12,000 256,088
24/07/23 12,150 30 0.24 12,200 12,280 11,940 608,150
24/07/22 12,120 100 0.81 12,230 12,300 12,070 321,599
24/07/19 12,220 310 2.47 12,490 12,520 12,200 752,620
24/07/18 12,530 40 0.31 12,510 12,590 12,400 232,514
24/07/17 12,570 210 1.64 12,800 12,810 12,530 570,767
24/07/16 12,780 190 1.46 12,970 12,990 12,650 312,642
24/07/15 12,970 20 0.15 12,950 12,980 12,910 146,559